Megan Bell

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I'm Having a Baby!

Actually, I should say my husband and I are having a baby. Thankfully, I’m not completely alone in this. Although, I am alone in the morning sickness when I’m bent over the commode every morning (and sometimes night.) And I am alone in the breathless treks up and down the stairs of our home every day. And I’m alone in the mirror each morning wondering if I can get away with the pre-pregnancy shirt I’m busting out of. But I’m not alone in wanting to dip my pizza in ranch dressing. Or wanting pizza everyday for that matter! My husband’s food cravings have been in line with mine and he is constantly cheering me on, always reminding me that I’m beautiful or cute and that we are actually in this together, even though I am the one feeling all of the side effects of pregnancy. And I am very fortunate for that.

For those of you who are curious, I created this pregnancy announcement for social media quite quickly. I used a blanket I recently bought at Target for my backdrop, last February’s calendar from Rifle Paper Company, some dried baby’s breath and lavender I had in a vase, and my most recent ultrasound photo. I circled our due date, February 13, with a white pen and snapped a photo of it all. It was wonderful being able to share my pregnancy with everyone who follows me on social media without having to share a photo of myself just yet.

Maybe all of this pregnancy talk will explain my absence on social media and especially my blog for the last few months or so. We took a vacation in June to the West Coast where we found out we were pregnant and I don’t think I’ve felt the same since. I especially haven’t been able to put out the amount of work I was before all of this. I’ve been lethargic, nauseas, and overall overwhelmed with the coming changes. But slowly I am getting back into the groove of things and hope to have plenty of projects completed before baby Miles arrives this February. That’s right, we are naming him Miles! And he’s a boy! It feels really good to have decided on a name so early in the game.

Watch my video below for an update at 33 weeks. I talk about the entire pregnancy up to this point including my unmedicated birth plan, issues with gestational diabetes, and a cystic fibrosis scare.